The title "I Care" underscores the Veterans Administration's commitment to fulfilling a promise given by President Abraham Lincoln to our veterans many years ago: “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.” The VA has created a powerful acronym by taking the first letter of each word – Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, Excellence to remind itself of the importance of its role. In the words of VA Secretary Denis McDonough, “Our department remains fully committed to fulfilling the sacred obligation that we have to those who serve in uniform.”
The VA’s commitment challenges all who benefit from our veterans’ sacrifices to join with this government entity’s commitment. The very foundational level of this care includes attending to the spiritual and moral life of our veterans. This is the challenge that God’s Word for Warriors has boldly undertaken, and we invite you, especially members of a faith community, to join us.
As we reflect on what such commitment entails, care of returning veterans requires churches and believers do more than offer accolades and praise. Our military men and women need the space and opportunity to reflect on their military activities and even times of confession and forgiveness. Our nation strives to enter war only after a serious dialogue about the justice and righteousness of such activity. Yet, even here, there are situations that are very spiritually challenging, even an occasion for sin. Many of our veterans return from deployment(s) with moral and spiritual wounds associated with such service to our nation.
The challenge confronting churches, and church leaders, is how do we recognize and accept our responsibility to assist our veterans to face the moral and spiritual trauma that many have experienced? For too long we have excused ourselves or just buried this responsibility under praise and applause a couple of times each year. So, how do we enable the church and its individual members to take up this ministry?
Fortunately, God’s Word for Warriors is here to help.GWFW is committed to serving the spiritually wounded, emotionally distressed, and brokenhearted by providing peer-based discipleship through a series of faith-based courses, programs, and ministries. Let us help you, as individual believers, and faith communities, reach out in service to these great men and women who have given so much to enable us to enjoy the freedoms of this great nation.
Contact us for information on how we might assist you in your outreach to veterans in your communities. - Dr. Tom Seals