I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made
missteps along the way. But I have discovered the secret that after climbing a
great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I have taken a
moment here to rest, to steal a view of the glorious vista that surrounds me, to look
back on the distance I have come. But I can only rest for a moment, for with
freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not ended
(Nelson Mandela).
In a USA Today article (Dec. 16, 2019) most Americans surveyed (92%)
reported that they believe their rights were under siege. Their concerns are that
at risk are freedom of speech (48%), right to bear arms (47%),and right to equal
justice (41%).
Thus, many are now thinking that we are in a situation where we are saying
good-bye to the nation and way of life that we have known. Is this true? Are the
golden days of America slipping away? Have the sacrifices and calls to battle
experienced in the past by so many veterans and others been in vain? Have we
lost any promise and hope for the future? To those who fear, I say NO!
History is filled with the great truth that the victories that have lived and
survived are the victories of liberators, those who have brought to the world
relief from oppression, relief from the weakness of division, and replaced these
with the strength of freedom.
Force and ill-gained power may keep us down for a while, but a
freedom-loving people will never submit for long to such alien rule. The instinct
for freedom among people who have once enjoyed it will never give final victory
to those who attempt to build their power and rule on the backs of others.
That same spiritual vitality that is the very foundation of the great liberating
freedom of Christianity will always be victorious over any attempt at robbing a
people of freedom. No matter how dark the days, or how long, the spirit of
freedom within the hearts and lives of the people will see the day of liberation.
This proved true in the days of the Roman Empire, the power of the Alexanders,
the Napoleons, and the Hitlers. The people who love freedom will always undo
the victories of those who seek to build their power by oppression.
The USA Today article continued by saying that when you look at the things
Americans truly value, like the core tenets of our Constitution, they really speak
out. Therefore, I am encouraged in our present climate, encouraged by the fact
that beneath the surface we see the great value that the typical American citizen
continues to treasure and will defend and fight for the things that are
fundamental to our way of life.
--Tom Seals