
Tom Seals
President, Founder
Tom served in the USMC from 1957-1960, with the 3rd Marine Division in Okinawa, Japan, followed by several years with the U.S. Government in Europe. He is a former 28-year Professor of undergraduate Bible courses as well as Biblical ethics and textual studies at Lipscomb University in Nashville, TN and has served as Chaplain to campus Veterans. He received his BA in Biblical languages from Lipscomb in 1971, his M.T.S. degree from Wesley Seminary in Washington, D.C. in 1976, and his D. Min. degree from Memphis Theological Seminary in Memphis, TN, in 1999. In addition, Tom has completed post-doctoral work in Pentateuchal Studies and in Religion, Politics and Social Issues from Vanderbilt University. He has published numerous literary works to include God’s Word for Warriors. A former pulpit minister in Virginia, Tennessee, and Colorado..

Laurel Bowman
Executive Assistant to the President of GWFW
GWFW Board Member
Laurel Bowman, RN, BSN, candidate for NP, has served as a hospice and palliative care nurse over the past twenty-three years. Her experience includes management, program design and development, project management, and Veteran outreach. Laurel began working with military families in 2008 by becoming an accredited service officer which allows her to represent Veterans before the Department of Veteran Affairs. She is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of VetLinx, a 501c3 all-volunteer non-profit, whose mission is to connect veterans to community resources and collaborate with community leaders to help fill the gaps in service to Veterans through projects and events.

Lt Col Dennis Saucier, USAF (ret)
Director, AMEN Military Ministries,
GWFW Instructor
Dennis, a retired USAF Chaplain, leads the AMEN Military Ministries providing connection and outreach to our active military members within the U.S. and abroad. As the director of the American Military Evangelizing Nations (AMEN) Military Ministry since March, 2016. AMEN is a missionary effort under the Elders of the Manchester Church of Christ, Manchester CT. As director he manages a network of over 200 contact people who connect military Christians with local congregations for worship, fellowship and service. His duties include promoting, recruiting and training church leaders to partner in military ministry. He also worked as a Pastoral Care Program Facilitator for Commander Naval Region Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA) CREDO Detachment Groton from September 2014 to March 2020. In both roles he is responsible for planning, organizing and conducting spiritual retreats,
workshops and programs to strengthen resiliency for military members and
their families.
Chaplain Saucier is certified or trained to facilitate programs including Prevention and Relationship Enhancement Program (PREP), Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality assessment, Gottman Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work curriculum, Applied Suicide Intervention Skills (ASIST) and SafeTALK training, and use of the Project Adventure curriculum. He travels to interested churches to conduct retreats and workshops for military personnel and their families, and to give advice on ministering to the military.

Chaplain Dorn Muscar
Director, Huntsville Office
Maj. Dorn has served as a chaplain in the Air Force Reserves since 2016. He has served in bases across the country (NJ, NV, DE, GA, AL, AR) and was previously assigned to Little Rock AFB, AR as the IMA to the Deputy Wing Chaplain. He served in local church ministry in churches in MD and TN from 2006 to 2020. He and his family moved to Huntsville in 2022. His work as a chaplain gives him great insight and much practical experience in understanding and assisting military members and families facing the challenges of military service. He is passionate about the importance of addressing service members' spiritual needs and spiritual fitness. Spiritual well-being is an often neglected area of service members’ core needs that GWFW seeks to support.

Col Larry McKnight USA (ret)
Advisor, Instructor
Colonel Larry McKnight provides God's Word for Warriors leadership course instruction for Lewisburg, TN and surrounding Marshall County. He served in the U.S. Army National Guard specifically in the 251st Service and Supply Company. His service locations included Tennessee and Saudi Arabia, and he participated in the Persian Gulf War (1991). He held the rank of Colonel and served from 1967 to 1999 as a commissioned officer.

CW3 Frank Carter, USMC (ret)
Director of Development and Outreach
Frank Carter retired from the United State Marine Corps in 2015 with nearly 26 years of service. During his career he was fortunate to be stationed overseas in Africa, South America, the Balkans, and Okinawa. The majority of his operational time was spent with ground and mounted reconnaissance units and participated in named operations in Eastern Europe, Southwest and Central Asia along with security missions in Central America. He participated in the following operations overseas: DESERT STORM, JOINT FORGE, JOINT GUARDAN, IRAQI FREEDOM, and ENDURING FREEDOM. A few of his most interesting postings were to Pretoria South Africa and LaPaz Bolivia assigned to the American Embassy as a Marine Security Guard from 1992-1995; in 2003 he was assigned to the US National Intelligence Center, Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina as an Operations/Intelligence Chief in planning operations directed the International Criminal Tribunal- The Hague for the former Yugoslavia(ICTY) “Personnel Indicted For War Crimes” (PIFWC) during the Balkan Wars of the mid-90’s. At the time of his retirement from the active ranks he was a Chief Warrant Officer- 3 (Gunner) and served as an Infantry Weapons Officer (Marine Gunner).