As We Heal Our Warriors, We Heal Our Nation
A few years ago, I became very interested in the comparison of our modern-day military warfighter to that of past civilizations. Most...
As We Heal Our Warriors, We Heal Our Nation
Our Mission Vs. Inflation
Those Who Mourn
The Power of Guilt
Battling Moral Conflict - Understanding is the Key
Our Hearts Are Restless
The Bedrock of America
Reflections: Moving Forward
FEAR AND HOPE (Psalm 27)
Growing Military - Civilian Divide
Faith, Endurance, and Trials
2021 Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month
I Care - A Challenge For The Church
What Is A Faith-Based Organization?
The Spiritual Vitality of Freedom
A Star No Family Desires
Is This A Ministry?
Is It Over Yet?
Immanuel (God With Us)